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Old 11-27-2007, 06:40 PM
pfapfap pfapfap is offline
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Default Re: another tipping question (sorry)

I tip too much. I know I tip too much. I know it eats into my profits. You know what else eats into my profits? Food. Shelter. Clothing. Entertainment. Mail-order brides. That kind of thing. I am a very lucky person to be born who I was when I was where I was, luckier than most anybody who has ever lived on this planet. I like to spread joy and wealth, and tipping is one way for me to do that. I don't view it as cutting into my profit, I view it as me spending my money in a way that directly benefits others (and not just the person I'm tipping at the time).

I want to make it clear that I, as a dealer, would never deliberately do anything against rules or protocol against a player that didn't tip. It's more along the lines of bav's post, but the person would have to be a real jerk in other ways (ie, holding up the game a lot, thereby reducing my tips from others... that's just total douchebaggery) for me to really do anything much differently than I do for everybody else. I'm a professional, and a buck here and there is not going to make or break me.

Nobody likes the non-tipper, not the dealers, not the other players. It might not be the tipping that bugs others, as the vast majority of the time the non-tippers are annoying in many other ways, usually holding up the game often and violating etiquette. Not blatantly and I'm sure not deliberately, it's just a part of their personalities. They most of them also seem very insecure, based on how they talk and hold themselves at the table. They're mostly losing players, too.

I'm not saying everybody that doesn't tip is like that, just sayin' that most of 'em are, at least in my experience in my room during my shift. So if you're not tipping, the issue isn't really the tip, the issue is what is running deeper inside of you that this comes out as a symptom.

That said, there are a few people I know who don't tip or rarely tip but that I don't mind in the slightest. They are all props, and they all help run the game and keep things going smoothly and are friendly and helpful and express their appreciation to me in other ways. Only one or two of them have been real jerks about it. Quick action, non-nittiness, and a smile go a long way.

FWIW, the one ranked pro I deal to (that I know about) always tips, in addition to being helpful and friendly and good for the game in every other way. Granted, this is hardly statistically significant, but just something to consider.
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