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Old 11-27-2007, 05:43 PM
curtains curtains is offline
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Default Re: NPL 2.5k @ Venetian, TV Table / Money bubble w/ TT

Why is everyone guessing. We don't even know the exact prize structure? Almost every single response didn't do any math at all when in reality this is almost purely a math problem. It's 100% certainty that pushing allin is +CeV (I've already done the math on this, it isn't even close against his likely opening range), we just have to determine whether it's more +EV than calling or do some kind of ICM calculations to determine whether pushing is correct against UTG's raising range.

Anyway I don't know the exact prize structure so I didn't even bother trying. The more top heavy it is, the better pushing will be. The flatter it is, the worse pushing will be.
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