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Old 11-27-2007, 05:37 PM
Snipe Snipe is offline
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Default Re: ***SSNL LIFE THREAD NOV***

So “office hot” Deloitte auditor in my office this week. Have talked to her a little bit, but not too much luck thus far. One comment about where I was with a large group of coworkers and she was waiting for the elevator with us and I jokingly asked if she was coming with us too – she didn’t seem to get it (she is, afterall, and auditor).

Another comment recently as she moved from a conference room to a table in the corner of our building and I complimented her on her promotion to the corner office – again, she didn’t get it.

So my question to you all – how best to get this chick naked as obviously my wit and charm aren’t getting it done …… yet.

Reads: Asian w/ blue contacts (or super freaky recessive genes). Likely Chinese.
Looks about 28. No history.

No pics plz ktks.