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Old 11-27-2007, 05:15 PM
etizzle etizzle is offline
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Default Re: River value spot

i think considering this would be kinda an awkward spot to bluff (esp considering how passive he is, although he prob doenst realize how that comes into play), I like a bet of less then pot, around 1600 or so. He'll probably talk himself into a call at that price. If he has a 9 or course he'll call, but I think hands with 9s in them are definitely the minority of his range.

basically i dont think a huge overbet bluff is a easy to sell here, if you had a hand you wanted to bluff with you'd probably just check it down and take half the pot against this passive guy. So i'd make a bet that i'd make with 9x. If you overbet shove he will probably lay down a nine and certainly wont call to chop.

that said mashing pot is a close 2nd to me b/c of how bluffy it looks
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