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Old 11-27-2007, 05:09 PM
DeadMoneyDad DeadMoneyDad is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 814
Default Re: Congressmen Press for Solution to WTO Internet Gambling Dispute

I know the people who are backing you and I get it.

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Why do you keep being coy about hiding the players behind this safe and secure site? There have been too many shills in this forum over the last year who hide their true agenda and interests. So why not just out this organization?

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Jay IMO has treaded a very fine line politically, as has Mason IMO. As pointed out a number of times, this forum is a fairly open access communications medium.

I have deep personal opinions about how S&S chooses to operate, almost 100% negative, which I have expressed privately to "Jeffery" and his "bosses".

The sayings are; "politics makes strange bedfellows" and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

But S&S has pushed this philosophy close to the breaking point. To the point that I may out these "people" myself.

I have problems with the PPA, but continue to do anything asked of me personally or to the general membership, but S&S doesn't even deserve to have its name used in the same sentence or conversation!!!

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