Thread: I [censored] up
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Old 11-27-2007, 02:53 PM
Fishwhenican Fishwhenican is offline
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Default Re: I [censored] up


In other news, my sister is a house-call type vet so she gets to be the one who puts down the poor cat or dog when it's time comes and at the house she partly grieves with the family I guess.
I honestly have no idea how she does it. Just seems so ridculously sad to me.
After one particularly bad week of having to put down 3 or 4 pets in really emotional situations she was talking about quitting.

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My sister is a vet as well. She ended up going into pathology. No problem working on animals that have already died but I know she didn't like having to put them down when she was doing regular vet work. I think it made her feel a bit better knowing that she was helping to relieve an animals suffering and ending things quickly. I sometimes wish we treated people as well.

Interesting note, she studied to be a vet pathologist at UC-Davis and was one of the folks who would go down to the beaches when a whale would beach itself and die. So she would be sloshing around in a dead whale getting tissue samples and stuff. Pretty nasty stuff. Now she works in Alaska and has worked on some pretty interesting stuff up there like moose, seals, bears ect...
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