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Old 11-27-2007, 02:38 PM
James. James. is offline
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Default Re: November Goals, Graphs, Results Thread

well. this is great.

i'm 32 years old, about 6 foot and 210 pounds. my wife is an RN(she doesn't work; she stays home and takes care of the girls but she has the degree so i assume she's qualified) and she took my blood pressure a week or so ago. 168/106. she took it again last night(granted the steelers were playing the dolphins way closer than it should have been) and it was 170/110. went to the doctor today and it was 170/110. he freaked out that someone my age would have numbers like that(google what normal is). so now i'm on blood pressure medicine, he wants me to change my diet, no more caffeine, no alcohol, no salt, ugh! i'm thirtyfreakingtwo. geez. i also need to start exercising. i'm sure in the next day or two he'll get my cholesterol(and other blood work) back and i'll have to go low fat also.

i'm just saying this so if i suddenly disappear in the near future, you guys know what happend.

oh, by the way i thought this was the LC thread. but i just noticed this is goals, graphs, blah, blah. so my goal for next month:

change my diet! woot!

i reached my goal this last month of tripling my online roll and cashing twice. so that's good.
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