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Old 11-27-2007, 01:32 PM
Triumph36 Triumph36 is offline
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Default Re: Sean Taylor passed away this morning

didnt he get shot in the leg?!

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I'm not a qualified doctor or anything so take this with a grain of salt, but I believe there may be some fairly important stuff it the leg. Like stuff that might not be good for you if it gets a bullet put through it.

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Ironically, last night's CSI on Spike featured a suspect who was shot in the femoral artery and bled out at the scene. When I saw that I was pretty sure what this morning's headline would be.

Off topic, I wonder if his gf was in on it, or whether it was just the guys he had the ATV beef with, or whether it was just random. The fact that the phone line was cut (which I've read in only 1 or 2 accounts) makes me more suspicious re what really happened.

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Why would the phone line being cut make you suspicious? It means whoever broken in knew what they were doing - although strangely there've been no claims of robbery.

Like the Darrent Williams story, we might never know just what happened or why, and the perpetrators may never be caught.

Oh and since this is BBV4L's sean taylor thread, dids you really a self-righteous unfunny douche with the comic timing of adolf hitler re: your posts in sporting events.
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