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Old 11-27-2007, 01:19 PM
AZK AZK is offline
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Default Re: The Zone (book) wtf??

Also remember that your body is a beautiful machine. As you consume less, your body should become more efficient in extracting what it needs from your sources. That's the main kick behind Intermittent Fasting. If you eat 18 small meals a day, your body likely can't metabolize that much protein/fat/carb in one sitting, hence most of the meals are small, protein shakes label one serving as 20g, the rest you excrete, etc... If you are only eating once a day and consuming 100g of protein in that sitting, a majority of that protein is processed and used, not excreted...

Make some sense?

It all comes down to just continuing your lifting/workout program and noticing if any of your gains suffer... If they do, change something, if they don't, zone might be the right path for you. Ignore how you "feel" for the next few days as there is always an adjustment period when switching routines/diets/lifestyles...
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