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Old 11-27-2007, 10:51 AM
SimaoMacaco SimaoMacaco is offline
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Default Re: Any Full Tilt regulars on here? NL 200 and NL 100

I am sure it has value what you are saying but its just such an 'old boys' network. It rings thus.. reg says:

"look here old boy, its more profitable if you muck your hand pre as i am gonna take my shot at the fish here". When you are IP on him, you can have your turn, i'll lay my hand down old boy.

Sure this is great for regs, bad for fish, and seems a bit like collusion to me. club regs v fishes.. That besides it only takes one reg to decide to squeeze a bit, rather than muck that borderline hand, and then you have to do the same. The prison's dillema is a wonderful thing - and a balanced strategy will emerge as the most optimal solution. During the cold was there was a lot of moving weapons around, war games, etc.. as the threat has to be seen to be real in order for a balance to occur.

Besides, human nature being what it is can u be sure that Narena did not 3bet the odd 78s vs you, clearly against the interbalistic missle treaty aka naughty hellfire club.

Personally i want to kill everyone at the table, regs, fish, the whole lot.. geez 3banging the regs offers me a great source of pleasure, esp.. when i hit a straight or some other odd ball hand.

Also, i think bottomset is right, something i think a lot lately, finding a range and going with it vs these 3bets is not so easy for the reasons he described.

Common guys, crank up those 3bets, lets go to war.
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