Thread: call of duty 4
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Old 11-27-2007, 05:14 AM
aislephive aislephive is offline
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Default Re: call of duty 4

Every day I play the multiplayer on COD4 it gets funner and funner. Not too often anymore am I getting killed left and right (at least not without taking a lot of guys out in the process). The only thing that matters to me is that I kill a lot of guys, at least enough for me to feel satisfied.

What's the best way to get XP? I really want to rank up to get some of the better weapons, specifically the M14 and the P90. I've heard great things about both and occasionally picked them up from a fallen solider and they're both awesome weapons, especially the P90. It's got the power of an assault rife with the firing rate of an uzi - so sick. Didn't seem like it had too much recoil from what I could tell, but I've barely used it (get killed pretty often so when I do get a hold of it it's not for long).

So yeah, best ways to get a lot XP? Recently I've been using different weapons and getting the first two attachments for them before moving on to another weapon (planning on getting the 3rd one for 1000 points later). FFA is the funnest mode for me, lets me go wild running around and killing people. I get killed a lot but manage to kill even more people. Unfortunately FFA doesn't give a lot of XP unless you consistently rack up a ton of kills. But I find that whenever I try team deathmatch I get smoked. Pretty much every game mode other than FFA I feel like such a sitting duck, getting mowed down by people I can't see. Or worse; I can see them but they still make mince meat of me time after time. Seems like the other modes involve quite a bit of long range battles and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've killed somebody from long distance using the red dot scope, and the ACOG scope has been very unaccurate in my experience with it, so I've been using the red dot on all weapons.

The only thing I'm good at is close quarters apparently. I'm only rank 22 so I still don't have a lot of the better weapons yet, but which weapons are best for medium-long range? And is the ACOG scope useful on any weapon, or is it terribly inaccurate for all the guns? I see some people seem to be very good with it but my limited use of it I wasn't impressed at all.
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