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Old 11-27-2007, 12:15 AM
dizzle98 dizzle98 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 33
Default Re: Calling String Bets: Rude?

Why would i "put a stop to it" as you say? 1. I'm not the host, everyone else that plays there is ok with it. 2. It causes no problems because play is slow enough and everyone says that they are raising immediately so literally no one has ever been confused by it.

So besides being an uptight nit or a rule nazi, what reason is there really to enforce this rule when not enforcing it causes no problem?

Also, I don't feel the need to "train" anyone.

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Remind them when they say I call and raise that its a string bet(but let the bet still go ahead) and they should instead simply say I raise. You don t have to be the host to say it. After a few times they will get it right.

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My point though is...why bother? The entire point of the rule is to prevent angleshooting...and that's not a problem here. So again...other than just trying to be a "rule nazi" what's the point? If you're playing with people who are there to have fun and essentially throw their money away...why not let them throw it away how they want?

I have no doubt that if i wanted to nag at them consistently they'd eventually stop doing it. They'd also enjoy it less and it would go less from a "let's gamble" atmosphere to a "this is serious poker and he's trying to enforce every rule" atmosphere which is not exactly what I'm going for. Not to mention the fact that if anyone ever seriously tried to enforce a "string bet" the reaction would be "f u, get out if you don't like the way we play".

So basically my point is this: if you've got a group of live players, plenty of disposable income, not that good with no real desire to improve...what possible reason could anyone have to try to enforce rules that serve no purpose? I could demand that they don't show their neighbor their cards while they're still in the hand too, but why bother? They aren't gaining any advantage from it.

I'm not saying it's rude to enforce it, or even wrong to enforce it if you want. But instead of just being seen as the "anal nit" of the group...if the REASON for the rule is not a problem in your particular group...then that's a rule you can let slide.
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