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Old 11-26-2007, 08:45 PM
Tryptamean Tryptamean is offline
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Default Re: River semi-bluff (yes, river) vs. Heisenb3rg

ILP: I like your word choices. I like the terms money line/non-money line. That is clear. People use the term optimal way too loosely imo which causes all sorts of confusion. Optimal implies money/+EV/etc, but thats not the case if villian is exploitable. Exploitable also implies that its a bad/losing play, which is not always the case.

As an aside, when speaking about being game-theory optimal, is there even such a thing as an 'optimal line'? Doesn't game theory tell you to do every single action x% of the time? So as soon as somebody recommends a specific line, they are already tossing game theory out the window and looking at the specific situation?
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