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Old 11-26-2007, 05:34 PM
FlopYouDead FlopYouDead is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 49
Default Re: Last Words on The Kenny Patrik Thing

I suspect the biggest advantage in a 1-off match between online and live pros would be the experience each had or didn't have playing unknowns.

Online players have made their names and built their bankrolls primarily through outplaying people who were entirely unknown to them at the time.

The live pros have spent much more time playing against a standard line-up. They've built their names and bankrolls besting the same players over and over.

I get the impression that the live pros are not thrilled with playing unknowns who are not mere tourists; that they only begin to open up once they have the hours, days, weeks invested in studying their opposition. The online players have no such luxury.

It doesn't really answer the question but as far as advantages I think this is a big one if we are talking about actually staging a competition between players who have no experience playing one another.
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