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Old 11-26-2007, 03:49 PM
BarryLyndon BarryLyndon is offline
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Default Re: Is it possible to just be an unlucky person?

1. Luck is the residue of a well laid plan. That's all that luck is - residue. If you plan well and you try to make good decisions, a lot of times, you control outcomes to a substantial degree.

2. Luck in life is, in large part, a matter of perspective. For instance, if that girl in the photo is your gf, please stfu and share your opinions on how unlucky you are to walls, your dog (he probably won't even listen), or aliens. What, aliens don't exist on this planet? If that's your gf, then they do for you, because apparently you like to entertain things that are a figment of your imagination.

3. If not "2," then realize that luck is all relative and a matter of perspective. You are "unlucky" at poker, but probably not as unlucky as the guy who wasted his 4K bankroll at 10/20NL last night. Or maybe I consider myself unlucky for going on a solid 50 hour slight downswing whereas I feel like I wasted 2 days of my life, but someone else would love to be in my spot because I actually have a BR and I have a pretty good idea wtf I'm doing.

It's all relative. You play poker and you have friends to play tennis with. That's about "luckier" than a huge chunk of all people.

If you compete well, chances are you marginalize your luck will put you in a certain competitive spectrum. This is where "luck" really comes to play - within that thin percentilie where you lie. But, chances are, there are millions of people who want to be where you lie, so who is to say whether you are really "lucky" or not. Better just concentrate on decisions instead.

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