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Old 11-26-2007, 12:18 PM
Oski Oski is offline
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Default Re: Critique My Personal Statement

A few points on the substance of your statement:

1. Drop the whole part about selling cars and what a "man with good sense" would do. The whole paragraph is jarring to the statement.

2. You do not explain what you will do for the profession; only what it will do for you. From what I read, I get the general impression that: 1) You wanted to be a doctor, but it would demand too much time; 2) However, you enjoy interaction with patients and helping them out; 3) Being a pharmacist is good for you because it accomodates your family needs. There is a big gap between 2) and 3). I would even consider 3) to be a collateral, incidental point, to (what is supposed to be) the main point.

Thus, you need to explain why you think you would be good at this, what your attributes are and what you can add to the profession, etc. Something along the lines of: "Jeez, from working in a hospital, etc., I really came to understand that human interaction is a vital part of the healing process. However, my impression of pharmacists is that they are cold and aloof towards their patients. I appreciate that part of that is due to the technical nature of the job, but I believe a little smile, or word of encouragement to the patient couldn't hurt when finish filling an order." Or some other bullsh!t,

but not, "Well, from working in an emergency room, I know that the human element is an important part of the healing process. Therefore, I am quite sure I won't laugh in a patient's face when I see what drugs they are taking or that they must be wearing a rain coat in the summer because underneath, their skin must look like a bowl of cornflakes. No. I will be nice and polite as I take down their insurance information and patiently remind them to have their doctors stop prescribing generic (read: inexpensive and low-profit margin generating) medications, while wondering if the patient even notices that I'm not wearing any pants under my robe, even though because of this platform behind the counter that allows me to lord over the patient, my package must be a eye-level."
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