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Old 11-26-2007, 03:49 AM
Alobar Alobar is offline
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Default Re: A Poker Player in Therapy

give up limit and switch to NL. The game selection is sooooo much better. And the games are softer.

You are in the same situation as lots of people. They used to be able to beat a higher game, when the clueless fish were a plenty and not as many people knew how to play. Now there arent as many clueless fish, and soo many more people know how to play. Most of the "fish" now a days, are 2p2 types, they play half way decent, and have a basic understanding of the game, they are either just not disciplined enough to play well, or are playing a limit or 2 higher than what they should be. Most all of them, arent working enough (or at all) on their game. They used to be able to win, but now cant cuz the games are harder, but they blame it on bad luck, downswing, etc.

If you want to succeed you have to constantly work on your game. Read the forums, post hands, get a subscription to cardrunners or deucescracked. Get pokertracker, go over hands, PRACTICE GAME SELECTION, read, read, read.
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