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Old 11-26-2007, 02:34 AM
MagicNinja MagicNinja is offline
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Location: Perth, Western Australia
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Default Re: The Zone (book) wtf??

40/30/30 isn't really relevent, it is how they designed the meals to be eaten because that is the best way for people to get plenty of food while lowering total calories eaten; eg if you want to lose weight, it is a great idea to fill up on oatmeal and broccoli and chicken breasts because these things are filling but lower in calories than things like peanut butter and olive oil which are dense in calories. Also ensures you get plenty of all the other stuff you need in food while still having fairly low calories (EG u might be able to get your daily serving of antioxidants eating cheeseburgers but it's going to take like a lot of cals).

In the crossfit faq it says something like 'zone until u are at your target body fat % and then zone + fat for maintenence or maintenence+ calories. Or something like that.

I may have something wrong though...

Whatever the case I think its pretty interesting to do for a couple days no matter who you are because it makes you instantly realise how much food you're putting in your body (although i'm pretty afraid of this turning me into a huge life nit). It's pretty nice being able to go to the deli and know exactly how much food to buy though (eg i'll have 2 servings of pork, 3 servings of feta cheese and a serving of turkey breast please...).
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