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Old 11-26-2007, 12:15 AM
xx44 xx44 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Default Re: Ask me about financial success to spending 2 years state prison


I am/was 5'10"175. Not cut or anything, But, I am able to lift considerably more than my size and build would indicate (225x10). This definitely helped me. Not because it was intimidating (which it def wasn't there), but because it help gain respect. Most of they guys there either didnt lift or not that much. So the guys I worked out with were bigger, and if not impressed at least surprised and how much I lifted. This turned into comradery as I was in a 4 person workout "crew" listening to good nature encouragement of ,
"come on white boy, get that money as Im pushing my tenth rep".

If it was more than 5 years I would have given running much more consideration. 10 years I was gone. BUt 2 years they were just panic thoughts

There was an indoor gym and outside weight pit. We had old dumbells, a few benches, free weight, a rusty, but functional old universal station. From what I undersatnd most jail now only have welded bars of different weight (135, 225,275 etc) to prevent injuries.


It was more hate than bitter, and felt more when I was going through the prosecution and in jail. Definitely "dreams" of revenge, but not violent. MOre a complicated plot that would result in public disgrace. Over the years that urge has greatly faded (trying to see things as a good life is best revenge thing)but I still think about it every so often.


No nets.
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