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Old 11-25-2007, 10:41 PM
evagaba evagaba is offline
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Default Re: Mountaineer Trip Report- WV

I made my first trip to Mountaineer on Saturday. I sat at 1/2NL table 28 from 2-6PM and wore a Red Ohio St t-shirt.

Anyways, the play was god awful. I have played many hours of live casino poker, mostly at Seneca Niagara, and this was BY FAR the worst play I have ever seen. I never really got any cards to play, but I did win $165 in my 4 hours there. I bought in for $300 and left with $465. Most of my profit was one pot in the SB with T2 when I flopped 2 pair and rivered a boat.

Here is a list of mistakes I saw players make.

-Guy buys in for $75. First hand he is dealt, calls $15 Pre Flop Raise, calls $15 flop bet and folds on the turn. Very next hand, he takes the SAME EXACT LINE. He then puts his remaining $10 in on his BB, calling a PFR and loses it. 3 hands, GG him. Thanks for adding $75 to the table.

-Another than myself, only 1 other person at the table of 10, bought in for the MAX $300. Most bought in for around the $100-$150 range with probably at least HALF the players buying in for the min $75. Unreal.

-A guy sits down with $75 and is now in his 2nd orbit. He doubled up quickly by calling a $25 bet, where the pot was $30, with a gutshot. He caught his gutshot on the turn and of course another bad player paid him off.

The gutshot kid then raises another hand preflop to $15 and gets one caller. "Gutshot" is first to act and goes ALL-IN for $125 into a $30 pot. The board is T24 rainbow. Gutshot's all-in is called by AT. Gutshot turns over AdQd and is currently crushed. Turn 3, River 5, split pot. Gutshot stands up and flexs his muscles yelling "YEEEAAAAHH".

As I was leaving I passed "gutshot" who was on his cell-phone. He is talking to his friend and says: "Yeah dude, this is a great place as long as you know how to play". That amused the hell out of me.

-I saw a player I will call "Station" call a PFR of $15. Flop comes JT4r. A players bets $20 and Station is the only caller. Turn is 3, goes check/check. River is another T. Station checks, Player bets $50, Station calls $50 and shows down with A7 off (Board is JT43T). The other player had pocket Jacks.

-This is not a particular player, but MANY of the players would bet or call with Top Pair Tiny Kicker (K7 was the nuts on a KT5 board). Even middle pair was being bet and called by several of the players.

80% of the players had NO concept of Position, Bet Sizes, Stack Sizes or any of the other "basics" learned here at 2+2 or Cardrunners.

There was only one person at the table who was even close to being a semi-decent player and he was on my immediate right. He was also extremely loose and if the situation came up, Im sure I could exploit him.

-I also wanted to point out the dealers. While I hear they have gotten better, most of them still needed tons of practice.

In one pot, Player A goes all in on the turn. He pushes all of his chips past the white bet line. Player B calls the All-In and IS COVERED by Player A by about $60. Player B does not move his chips, he just calls the all-in. Players B wins the pot. The dealer then proceeds to push Player A's entire stack into the pot. He is just about to push the pot to Player B and I stopped him and explained that Player A has more chips than Player B and should not get all those chips. He did not understand what I meant. I had to explain it to him and then replay the betting lines on each street to figure the pot and figure how many more chips Player A had than Player B. 2 hands later the dealer thanked me for helping him.
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