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Old 11-25-2007, 08:02 PM
dizzle98 dizzle98 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 33
Default Re: Calling String Bets: Rude?

Really the purpose of about every rule of poker is to try to prevent someone from gaining an unfair advantage. String betting is not allowed so that people cannot put out an amount then go back and grab more chips after the person behind them makes their intentions clear (as in i bet, you grab chips to make the call, and i then grab more chips and put even more into the pot). If this isn't a problem at your game then really just let it slide.

We also have a lot of people at my game who do the "i call and raise....". Which we basically allow to stand because they say it all immediately to the point that no one could ever flip their cards over thinking it's just a call. Unless someone's actions are actually giving them some kind of advantage then you should probably just let it slide.

And frankly, the "host" of the game can basically use whatever set of rules they want. At a casino it's the casino, at a home game it's the host. So it's not really "rude" if you all really want to play by rules that would be consistent with a casino. Sounds more like people who are just uptight anal to me though honestly if everyone is so quick to do it without regard to someone's intentions.
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