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Old 11-25-2007, 07:09 PM
ZBTHorton ZBTHorton is offline
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Default Re: GF invites me to wake, whats my line?


I think it's extremely petty that you are even thinking about not going. I understand that you don't know these people, but your being asked by someone to come help them cope with a tough situation. Part of being a good friend/human being is helping others through times like this. Someday, you will likely have the same type of thing happen to you. I've been to numerous funerals for friends/fraternity brothers of mine where I didn't know anyone involved. In each case, I knew they were having a hard time, and wanted to be a good friend. It was slightly uncomfortable for about 2 seconds until I realized we were all adults and not 10 year old girls and everything went just fine. In fact, this type of thing really helps you grow up and be a better friend/person in the future.

I know a lot of people have thrown out the whole "If you don't care about her..break up with her.." line, and you've shrugged it off. But clearly you don't even consider this girl to be a friend of yours if you don't want to do this for her.

There is no rule that you must be madly in love, or soulmates, or best friends in order to ask someone to come help them cope with a difficult time in their life. IMO, deep down you should kind of want to do this for someone, and if you don''s kind of sad.
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