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Old 11-25-2007, 06:29 PM
CORed CORed is offline
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Default Re: UFOs, Big Foot, etc

I think I've told this story before, but maybe in SMP rather than here, but I once sighted a UFO, but later identified it.

This was when I was in college, i.e. late '70's. It was in the fall, late September or early October. I was driving through North Park, in North Central Colorado, around sunset. The sun was behind the mountains, and may or may not have been below the horizon. As I was driving, I saw in the sky in front of me a silvery, brightly shining, apparently metallic object that was pointed on either end and curved top and bottom, possibly saucer-shaped object seen edge on. It was high enough in the sky that I really had no reference point to determine size, distance or speed, but it was moving.

I watched this thing for a minute or two, and either because the sun dropped lower, or the movement of my car and the object changed the angles, the object gradually reflected less light, and I finally realized what I was looking at -- a jet contrail. It was apparently pretty dry at the altitude the jet was flying, and it was leaving behind a very short contrail, tapered to a point at either end, but when I first saw it, in the early twilight, it was reflecting the sun so brightly that it looked metallic. I became much more of a skeptic about UFO's (as far as their being extraterrestrials anyway) as I realized just how easy it can be to totally misinterpret what one is seeing.
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