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Old 11-25-2007, 05:50 PM
Low Key Low Key is offline
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Default Re: Ask me about financial success to spending 2 years state prison

Having been in legal trouble myself, I know that, sometimes a plea bargain sounds like the best idea.

I was arrested when I was 18 on a felony charge. It was a trumped up vandalism charge, but what can you do? When the judge told me how long the max sentence would be if I was convicted, I was sure as hell thinking "Plea Bargain.. NOW!!" Luckily my lawyer had prepared me and told me not to freak out.

@ KneeCo

I think the problem is that you sound like one of the jurors, if not a juror in most cases. People think just because someone's in court, they must have broken the law. That's like saying if you get pulled over by a cop, it's because you've broken the law. (Which I know isn't true, because I've been pulled over before just to be searched. I was doing 40 mph in a 40 mph zone, it was 3 am, I was 18, and had long hippie hair. You do the math. However, I was very polite and didn't get that speeding ticket I was pulled over for after I let the cop search my car for no reason.. Yes, this was before I knew I had rights.)

So remember, in court, it's innocent until proven guilty, and it must be guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. "He's probably guilty", or "it's 90% likely that he's guilty" is just un-American!
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