Thread: Rock Band
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Old 11-25-2007, 03:11 PM
nolanfan34 nolanfan34 is offline
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Default Re: Rock Band

Got the game on Wednesday, and have been playing it a bit the last few days so I'll add a few impressions. Really loving the game so far!

- As mentioned, the guitar is pretty easy compared to GH. On solo career, I was getting 100% on pretty much everything on Medium on the first try, and I'm not very good compared to most on here. Toward the end of medium, it is starting to get a little harder. The good thing about this, is it makes it a little easier for people to pick up the game who haven't played it before.

- The HO/POs in this game are poorly designed IMO. Yes, they do exist, but man, they are hard to see, because they are indicated by being slightly narrower than the regular rectangle note bar. To me at least, when the notes are flying it's pretty hard to distiguish between the two.

- Haven't had any problem activating star power with the Fender guitar. I will say I don't like the strum bar on it at all, so most of the time I'm using the GH3 guitar.

- Drums are awesome as expected. Even on easy they can be a little challenging at first when you factor in the bass pedal. I tried a few songs on medium, and my leg was worn out after a while from that damn pedal.

- Singing is also awesome IMO. Very fun, and the engine for grading the tone/pitch seems to work pretty well. I've only played on Medium solo career so far. Singing songs you haven't heard before, or don't know the lyrics/tune, is difficult for sure.

- Singing brag: 100% on Learn to Fly on medium
- Singing beat: 3 stars on Sabotage? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, but I suck at the spoken word/non pitch graded parts. (maybe this is explained in the tutorial, haven't tried that)
- Singing variance: 99% on the Garbage song, so I guess I can also pull off Shirley Manson.
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