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Old 11-25-2007, 01:23 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 4,322
Default Re: November Low-Content Thread

just wanted to say that its pretty awesome playing live where nobody understands poker.

when we were playing 75 on friday there was a normally tight player that clearly thought DD was awful (he 3bet T5s and showed it down among other things). of course this same player showed down some similarly strange holdings played much more passively/incorrectly and also played many of his good hands in bad/unorthodox ways. btw no this person is not me and this person is not alone in thinking DD is a huge fish at this casino. of course all these people also think roc is a genius (play 1k/2k = superstar) and while i dislike playing him lhe he has pretty obvious never folding/random self destruct for 5BB on turn leaks

its like some of these people have learned enough from somewhere that they can barely survive playing 7+ handed but as soon as it gets shorthanded, especially 5 or less, it is just a hopeless situation bc they are basically playing a completely different poker game than before and it is a game they barely even understand the rules to. it gives me hope that maybe i wont break even for the rest of eternity.