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Old 11-25-2007, 12:06 PM
jukofyork jukofyork is offline
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Default Version 3 of the script & an alternative method

Hmmm, well all was going ok for a while, but then somehow Party managed to turn the spam-bar back on and I couldn't seem to turn it off again... While trying to get rid of it I ended up crashing the Party client and haven't been able to repeat the "unkillable" spam-bar again.

I have found lots of new message IDs to get rid of it though and the new script will let you either run before or while Party is running to get rid of the spam-bar:

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>; PartyBets scrolling-spam killer v3
; ==================================
; Simply run this app to kill the CPU hogging PartyBets scrolling-spam bar.
; - CPU usage on my machine goes from 5%-25% spikes right down to constant 0%-1%!

#SingleInstance force
DetectHiddenWindows On

SetTitleMatchMode 1

; Kill when we open the script (ie: "kill on run" mode).

WinWait, PartyAccount Login

; ### You might have to increase this value if it fails sometimes. ###
Sleep, 1000

; Kill when we open the party client (ie: "kill on open" mode).

WinWaitClose, Status

; Use this function to kill the PartyBets spam window.
; NOTE: Tries lots of differnt IDs which all work.

; We send a WM_COMMAND (0x111) along with one of the IDs that kill the window.
PostMessage, 0x111 , 2126, 0, Internet Explorer_Server3,
PostMessage, 0x111 , 2127, 0, Internet Explorer_Server3,
PostMessage, 0x111 , 2300, 0, Internet Explorer_Server3,
PostMessage, 0x111 , 3610, 0, Internet Explorer_Server3,
PostMessage, 0x111 , 3611, 0, Internet Explorer_Server3,
PostMessage, 0x111 , 6041, 0, Internet Explorer_Server3,
PostMessage, 0x111 , 6042, 0, Internet Explorer_Server3,
PostMessage, 0x111 , 6043, 0, Internet Explorer_Server3,
PostMessage, 0x111 , 6044, 0, Internet Explorer_Server3,

; IDs of 3612 to 3644 also work.
loop, 33
PostMessage, 0x111 , %ID%, 0, Internet Explorer_Server3,

}</pre><hr />

I've also tracked down the offending HTML file and if my script fails to work for you then try this:

1) Navigate to the folder "C:\Program Files\PartyGaming\PartyPoker\Language\en_US\articl es\" (might be different for different countries, etc).
2) Right click the file called "114276.html" (the biggest of the ".html" files - it could be named differently for you) and open it up notepad or wordpad.
3) Delete the entire contents of the file and save the empty file back over the top of the old one.
4) Right click on the file again and select Properties.
5) Check the box that says "Read-only".
6) Start the Party client and the spam-bar should be gone.

If this works for you then it might turn out that Party changes the name of this ".html" file periodically, so you might have to repeat if this happens.

Juk [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

PS: You can do the same HTML trick on the other two ".html" file to get rid of the other less troublesome spam windows ("News &amp; Events", etc) too if you want...
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