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Old 11-25-2007, 06:32 AM
Al_Capone_Junior Al_Capone_Junior is offline
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Default comment on vegas floors/tipping + new thead - tracking

In rooms where neandertals (knuckles dragging on ground) don't run the place, dealers are required to tip out the floors. I never have a problem with tipping out a floor who's doing their job well. A good floor keep games going, customers happy, and keeps dealers making money. This is the system in the civilized world.

Disneyland, err, vegas is not the civilized world. Neandertals are probably a bit advanced for vegas corporate upper management, [censored] erectus is more like it. In many vegas rooms, both the dealer and floor will be fired if the dealer tips out. Then the house pays the floors less than 2/3 what the pit floors get. On top of that, some will actually be forcing the floors to put any customer tokes into a box to be run thru the cage and taxed (or more likely, lost by payroll). I'm of course referring to the most hated name in gaming wink wink. Their prehistoric stupidity keeps vegas floorpersons miles below par and keeps vegas in the lead for the worst run poker in the country.

On the subject of tracking, this is so important I'm starting a new thread.

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