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Old 11-25-2007, 05:37 AM
Taraz Taraz is offline
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Default Re: on race and IQ

I don't see why people think that it is so much of a taboo to talk about these things.

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Are you cloistered? Larry Summers took a boot up the ass for saying only the mildest of unPC heresy. Academia is unforgiving and dogmatic in the extreme.

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How can you possibly claim that these things aren't discussed? The article that was linked to cited several recent papers and books. These things are very much discussed in the academic community. In fact, several people have made careers out of studying just these issues.

If people do good research, it will get published. Believe it or not, it is in the best interests of an academic to publish controversial results. They will get attention and attention = money. There is no problem so long as you don't make offhanded comments like Watson's "if you've ever worked with a black man you know what I'm talking about."
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