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Old 11-25-2007, 04:12 AM
PokerBob PokerBob is offline
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Default Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years

OP- I'm sorry you have to spend time in prison... I'm VERY much a fan of punishments that fit the crime. I agree you have some issues, you need some rehab, and you committed some SERIOUS crimes. Luckily for you, no one was hurt and hence I think the punishment should fit the crime. The responses you're getting about putting you out to rot are ridiculous. It's kind of like saying someone who discharges a fire arm in public should be tried for first degree murder even if no one died. Of course you can't, no one died, no one was ACTUALLY injured?

I think 60-90 days in the big house to give you time to detox and think about your crime would be sufficient. Good luck. As others have advised, learn a language and/or take advantage of some vocational program.

Furthermore, what I think TUQ is trying to get out... is that with DUI's, MADD and other special interest groups have done such a great job of vilianizing DUI offenders... the punishment no LONGER fits the crime.

Case and point is me. You can refer to my whole trip report about getting a DUI from a couple months ago. First time offense. Pulled over for speeding (NOT driving impaired)... blew a 0.09 and got busted.

Went to trial after my attorney found out that the road side calibrator had not been properly maintained AND the officer testified during the DMV hearing that she had improperly administered the road side tests.

After a week of testimony that all pointed to several errors during my arrest... the jury still found me guilty. I STRONGLY feel that at least 10 of the 12 jurors had their mind made up before even hearing evidence.

Not only was I found guilty... but the a-hole judge told me and my lawyer that we had wasted his time with a trial... should have gone with a plea deal... and he DOUBLED everything the DA recommended. I was actually penalized (what lawyers call "trial tax") for exercising my rights as a citizen.


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yet another situation where you somehow are getting the shaft, but are not in the wrong. you sure have awful luck.
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