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Old 11-25-2007, 02:40 AM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: psychology of poker

I think that many posters have a pop psych. I study Jungian psychology, and whatever model works for people is what works for them. If they cannot agree with his thinking, then that is on them.

My reviews were not pleasant, but I exaggerate when I say they were stinging. I basically said that much of it was common sense and a safe read. As in, you could not possibly disagree with it. I think that something that will not make you think is less valuable than something that you may disagree with when you are talking about soft science.

When you read a real psych book, you will disagree with it at one point, or accept the harsh reality it is trying to present. This is why there are several camps of psychology.

I do not like POP because it does not present anything that cannot be found with simple common sense, cannot be argued with, and does not challenge the reader to think.
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