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Old 11-24-2007, 10:06 PM
klaching klaching is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 105
Default Re: College App Question: SAT scores vs. GPA

what your college counselors will do (or atleast what mine did) will send a break down of what your school is all about. In a school like mine you didn't want to be ranked. Only 30 kids total and almost all were top notch ivy league material. I however was a lazy jock that was just gifted so I was def. on the lower end. But they send a paper out saying due to our competitive nature we don't rank etc etc but they say based on our unweighted scale of 4.0 85% of students had higher than 3.0, 50% had higher than x, 10% than y, and top 5% (TWO STUDENTS in my case) has this...Most of my friends from prep schools were in a similar situation. My advice to you would be to get superb letters of recommendation from your college counselor, dean of upper school, and some of your math/science teachers. (maybe even one from your classes at STandford). Also obv. a good essay, although for an EE program I don't know what is taken into consideration. Goodluck and if you need any help let me know
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