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Old 11-24-2007, 08:44 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: advice before I meet with a personal trainer

That guy is a moron. No deadlifts "now"? Then when...and why the delay? Dumb. Leg curl??? WTF??? Hip adductor? Flys when you could be doing benching instead? Tricep isolation work when you could be doing compound movements instead? Curls?

Sounds like you got yet another guy who didn't really listen to you and didn't really care what you wanted. He may well be just doing what his boss tells him to do by recommending you machines, though. Either way, it looks like your needs and interests were not paramount. And ten to 15 reps is definitely working toward the endurance range. Honestly, it sounds like the guy wasn't of much use to you.

At least you got someone to show you a squat. But I wouldn't bother working things like tricep isolation work into your freeweight routine. Those muscles are better used for pressing, and the muscles you use for curls should be getting killed doing rows and pull-ups.

You might also give serious consideration to doing some forearm/grip work, which you haven't touched on yet, and perhaps neck work and maybe shrugs.
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