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Old 11-24-2007, 08:23 PM
Conspire Conspire is offline
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Default Re: The Thanksgiving Leftover Report

This is a crosspost from bbv4life where I posted my thanksgiving trip report.

I woke up pretty early today at 11a.m. I look outside and there is a fresh coat of snow on the ground F***! This is the first big snow of the year and of course it happens on thanksgiving, a holiday that I do not care much about to begin with. So whatever I SSS and head out to my aunts house a little after noon. I have been living in florida for many years and I havent seen most of my family in this time so im kinda not really in a great mood for some reason. None of that S*** matters though I still show up, even though I took my sweet ass time driving over there, partly because I havent driven on snowy roads in quite a long F****** time.

Anyways I show up, get greeted you know the standard "How are you?", "Do you miss Florida?", "Its so good to see you.".


So from like 1 to 4 we just sat around and talked, then talked some more. F*** today was such a dumb day to restart using the nicotine patch. Some of my cousins were there, beat, none of them had any weed (wtf!). Then another one of my cousins who I had last seen when she was like 12 was there. Holy F***, talk about jailbait gallery material!!! I was able to shake off any bad thoughts or intentions a little while later, even though she is the standard talkative wants to know every detail and was always interested in what I had to say and I could not help but to give her attention. F*** ok im done talking about that as im starting to think bad again.

So, dinner is finally ready. I eat the standard turkey (kinda dry), some stuffing, green beans, rolls, no mashed potatoes cuz I dont like mashed potatoes. All talkative happy family, everyone is F****** happy, thats not always my style, but I was a soldier and was able to get through dinner.

Afterwards, I had to cheat and bum a cigarette from my dad and thats when I got some computer access and quickly typed up the first part of this thread. I was real paranoid cuz I didnt want anyone to see what I was typing, F****** relatives. Went back downstairs drank some beer and drank some wine, I remember a football game on TV but I paid no attention to it. Yada yada yada a few more drinks, I made a few more rounds to talk to people, then at about 8 I said I was feeling quite tired from the turkey and cleverly exited my aunts house.

All in all this trip report sucked, but I typed it up (in less than 10 minutes suckas!)

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