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Old 11-24-2007, 07:59 PM
ZanDa ZanDa is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 24
Default Re: How bad can a player run in sit & goes ?

Dear spacegravy...
considering you think to be the best player in the world.
To me you seem just a lucky arrogant child.
You think I'm a sucker able only to complain on bad luck, right ?
Get this challenge.
21 heads up , 500$.
More, winner will get 10.000$ from loser.
Have you balls for that ?
Or you want to show to everyone how coward you are ?
If u want we can play also 40 hu so to cancel badluck factor

[/ QUOTE ]

I was going to tell you that I have played in a lot of sit and goes with you and have found your play transparent.

The only reason I even knew you were a losing player was because you sucked out on me and I thought "hmmm, I doubt he's a winning player with calls like that" before I looked at your sharkscope graph and removed all doubt.

Though maybe with an ego like that and game selection like that (well done challenging a very good SnG player to HU matches btw) you shouldn't look at the cards but your own tilt.

You seem to be playing a zillion tables at a time and quickly donking off chips at most tables after a bad beat (which is pretty sure why you sucked out on me) so control your ego.

P.S if you need a program to tell you whether you are a losing player or unlucky after 15,000 games then you are simply not made to play poker, let alone win at poker.
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