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Old 11-24-2007, 06:19 PM
xx44 xx44 is offline
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Default Re: Ask me about financial success to spending 2 years state prison


On case you did not read my response to fly

Nothing I have posted is any "evidence" that I broke a law. That is why a "good" or even a "not bad" jury is so important. I believe you had some preconceived notions of my guilt from what you read. Imagine what a jury looking at 4 30 yr olds, driving expensive cars and living in nice places might think after the DA presents a case. "Well they're here aren't they".

The plea was not me giving a summary of what I did what I did, but the judge asking me questions to respond yes or no to. My lawyer told me what will happen and I should respond affirmatively or the deal will not go through. The judge did not ask me anytthing involving stock promotion, not that it would have made a difference, at that point I would have said that I was responsible for 9-11.

Thanks for saying that I am holding up well. This is the thing that still hurts from the whole experience. The people who fully believe that I got a raw deal are those close to me and those who worked there. Most assume "musta did something".

FWIW during the almost 2 years I was with that company I made $75,000 year 1 and $100k the second all reported.
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