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Old 11-24-2007, 04:36 PM
Nsight7 Nsight7 is offline
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Default Re: Duplicate Poker Deals Same Cards to Multiple Players. What\'s This

The problem with this concept is that even on one table you guys are still competing against different opponents. If your opponent accidentally sits at the table with an average VPIP of 45 and tremendous pre-flop/post-flop aggression from people with mediocre holdings, and you sit at the table with an average VPIP of 20, you are probably going to lose the battle even if you are both equally skilled. Over the long-haul of course you will both sit in your fair share of loose and tight tables of course, but such is the exact same case in conventional poker games. You will still only win your money in the long-run where your decisions average out to winning decisions over large samples against the standard distribution of players at your current stake-level. As such this really changes nothing. Luck is only superficially eliminated from the equation, as there are too many variables that are still not controlled for (such as opponent playing tendencies, not to mention the ability to collude much more easily) to eliminate chance from the play.

Crap, didn't notice cjk wrote essentially the same stuff. Oh well....
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