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Old 11-24-2007, 03:02 PM
xx44 xx44 is offline
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Default Re: Ask me about financial success to spending 2 years state prison


Fortunately I am able to eek a a living out of trading my own account very conservatively. I have been involved with a few startups trying to get them off the ground,they did not get going. I am currently involved with a solar energy company that has the potential to work out well.


Noah is right. I was painting a picture of me being a deer in head lights, and the jury would have a hard time understanding a comples case.

My feeling of the justice system is that it is far from perfect. I beleive that most people have no uinderstanding that the DA can basically get convivtions, pleas on anything with the threat of enoguh jail time. I would have confessed to shootiung kennedy at the time i Plead
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