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Old 11-24-2007, 12:52 PM
pfapfap pfapfap is offline
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Default Re: How to \"Gracefully\" Win without getting pushed around

At my game, I was concerned with raising the stakes because I didn't want to drive too many people away. By and large folks have adapted, and sometimes we'll run two tables, one at the lower .25/.5, another at .5/1.

I think something else may be going on above what's described, because what you relate sounds very common. What's wrong with raising the stakes to .5/1 at 11pm? By then most everyone will have larger stacks anyway. Or if you don't want to do that, just encourage a straddle, which accomplishes the same thing.

You have bad players with money to burn who want to bet more against you, a winning player. What's the problem here? Do you feel uncomfortable taking their money? You said they can afford it. I can certainly understand your feeling, but everybody agrees to spend what they spend. You are playing a game, and you should not feel guilty for winning.

If you're feeling pressure to stay, then you should establish a standard "home" time for yourself, and be clear on this at the beginning of the night. Then stick to that time for a few weeks, at least, even if you're stuck. Set a precedent so that down the road they can't complain when you "hit & run".

In the end, you have to stop owning their emotions.
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