Re: 25/50 HU Fold a fullhouse? Surely not
Does he really take this line for value with worse often enough
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yes, he def would with the one combo of 33 and the combos of 22, and 44 if he got here this way. this river is a great one to check, because you'll bet just as many hands as you'll call with (you might call with like 88 with a club or something, rarely, but in general face card clubs that would call will also bet, and sometimes you have 77 no club that turns into a bluff)
Is he ever bluffing?
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yes, most hands that make boats or quads raise the flop a fairly high % of the time, and his line is very believable for a boat
B) what hands does he expect me to bet/fold this river with (or bet/call for that matter)?
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face card clubs (to both)
A) how does he even get to this spot with a hand that wants to try to bluff?
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ten million ways, unless you have a read he doesn't donk flops often or something
You have a full house HU, one of the better possible ones even, CaLVlALa CAllAlAlALLALCLCLA ACclALlcLACLA CLALCALCLACL ACLAAL
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