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Old 11-24-2007, 02:53 AM
NoahSD NoahSD is offline
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Default Re: Battling Flop Miniraises from Regs

With a certain sort of metagame, I like this line.

Your c-bet range should be like overpairs/78/total air. So given that range, it doesn't make sense for him to raise your c-bet small with a set. But it does make sense to minraise your c-bet as a bluff.

On the turn he can def expect you to fold the weaker end of your range, and can def expect you to c/r the stronger end of your range, so it makes sense for him to continue and your line looks credible.

That said, the read you gave doesn't really convince me that this sort of metagame exists. NL200 regs do weird [censored] for value cause lots of them suck. Plus, I think you come off a bit FPSy, so people are probably more likely to take this line against you with a strong hand to try and induce some FPS.

Also, check/fold the flop.
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