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Old 11-24-2007, 12:08 AM
Small Fry Small Fry is offline
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Default Re: Simple Basic Newbie Question......


on a completely serious note, i sometimes still have troubles with paired boards or potential for paired board to kill your "unique" two pair.

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Any time there are board cards higher than your "low" pair you're in trouble of being counterfitted.

In the example with K,2 if the flop is K,5,2,. Even though you flopped two pair if a 5 comes on the turn your pair of 2's is no good. a non 2,5,K turn puts another card on the board that could cancel out your 2's. So 3 outs to couterfit on the turn, 6 on the river. And once your counterfitted you'll then be playing the other board card (in this example since the 2 is so low) so your best hope is a tie. Say the final baord is K,5,2,3,3. You now have 2 pair kings and threes with the 5 for a kicker. Any opponent with a K,x where x is higher than 5 beats you.

So it's not only important to realize how you can get counterfitted but what the other board cards are too. These can also effect your hand. Compare the above example with this board - K,5,2,5,Q. You have two pair, kings and 5's with a queen kicker. If another player has K,x, assuming x isn't another 5,2 or queen, it has to be specifically an Ace for you to lose. Before you could lose to a 6,7,8,9,T,J,Q or A
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