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Old 11-23-2007, 04:54 PM
John Kilduff John Kilduff is offline
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Default Re: Outrageous Anti-Mormon bigotry against Romney


Of course, if they believe in something that has evil real-world effects, rather than in something merely erroneous or frivolous, then that may become a different matter

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I believe this is the case with mormons. Having been raised in that religion, I can tell you their world-view is very apocalyptic. All the reasons why it is dangerous to have a born-again evangelical as president also apply to mormons.

Furthermore, they really do believe that TWO different groups of dark-skinned minorities (african blacks and native american indians) are dark-skinned because of a curse from god. This is generally a harmless superstition but on the other hand it makes you nervous about what someone who believes such a thing might be capable of justifying to themselves.

Furthermore, the mormons believe their males have a special and elite connection to god called the "priesthood". It is a kind of special blessing you get when you become a teenager and the best way to describe to a layman is that your prayers now have more authority and priority with god than other people. You even believe that those without the priesthood are less 'worthy'. "Worthy" is a very ubiquitous term used by mormons to delineate people. You are "Worthy" to attend the temple or you are "unworthy". (and part of being "worthy" is based on whether you give money to the church).

Generally, I agree that silly superstitions are all basically interchangeable. I won't say that a mormon believer is any more less intelligent or capable of critical thought than a jewish believer or a gaia-worshipping hippy, but I will say that the mormon's beliefs are more cause for concern.

Now, on the other hand I can say that I was raised mormon and my parents and their peers raised their kids to be unequivocally non-racist and to judge people on their character and actions above all else. However, I did get a lot of apocalyptic nonsense drilled into me and I wouldn't want anyone as president who really believed these are the "last days" (as they like to call it) and that there is an inevitable worldwide conflagration epicentered in the middle east that is about to occur.

I think it would be absolutely fair to question Romney about his take on some of these core mormon beliefs.


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I didn't know that much about Mormonism; thanks for the info.

Based on your description of Mormon beliefs, I think it would indeed be reasonable and appropriate to question Romney in more depth about his religious beliefs; and about what ways, if any, that his beliefs might impact his policy preferences.
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