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Old 11-23-2007, 03:40 PM
rvg72 rvg72 is offline
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Default Re: New Software: Holdem Manager


Could you take a moment to look at these threads and comment on how you are going to implement copy protection into HEM?;gonew=1#UNREAD

I've downloaded your beta twice yet haven't worked up the nerve to install it. Admittedly, I was planning on upgrading to PT3 mainly because I was used to using PT, figured the learning curve on PT3 wouldn't be as steep, and some of the XML related things I've been reading here have been making my head spin. However, if you are going to implement a reasonable copy protection scheme that doesn't involve secretive transmissions over the Internet, consider me one of your new users.

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Hi, at this point I will be using the same method as Tourney Manager which is you get a reference number on install and I provide a serial number to you. If you need to install it somewhere else you send me the new reference number. I'll probably implement something a bit more automated but it has worked pretty well so far.

So, no internet connection will be established from the program unless you have the version checking on.


The "Use vs Player" option in Filters doesn't seem to do anything for me. Can't select player.

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Fixed in 0.59b which will be available today.

when i try to open holdemmanager: "the following error occured when trying to open the database: no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"

what should i do?

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I assume you already installed postgres, right? Go into Control Panel - Admin - Services and find the postgres services then right click and press Start. That should do it.

Instead of 120h/s I'm still getting 30h/s and I've changed nothing..

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Which version? Also, realize that imports are now no longer simply importing - they are also preparing all HUD stats for all players on recent and active tables.


two things i use regularly with PT that i'm not seeing in HM (maybe i'm just missing them):

1) export hand history w/ filters
in PT, you can use all kinds of filters to get a specific set of hands and then export. in HM, the only export i can find is the "export" button on the DB screen (btw this takes way too long for a large DB)

2) delete hands w/ filters
i need to be able to delete a particular player's hands, or delete hands using a date/site/game filter, etc.

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Thanks, I can add that.

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