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Old 11-23-2007, 02:56 PM
qwnu qwnu is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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Default Re: Do you want to have children?

They have self-deluded themselves to make their situation work.

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Isn't it strange then that not one single parent has said they regret having children in this thread? Not one.

That means that EVERY SINGLE PARENT is delusional, or you're just talking out of your ass.

I choose the latter.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it, but Ann Landers famously found that 70% of parents who responded to her question would not have children if they could make the decision again.

The column (from the '70s) is reprinted here on this "childfree" site.

Obviously this is somewhat dated, and not scientific, but it does demonstrate that the lack of regret you think is universal is not.

It's true that this example is used in at least one textbook as an example of an unreliable self-selected sample, but the same text says a scientific survey found that 91% of parents would have kids again. Quite a difference, but at the same time, 91% is not 100%. That's nearly 1 in 10 parents who have the regrets you are ignoring.

I'd be interested in finding similar "regret" stats for people who choose not to have children.

BTW, you seem to have changed your tune in this thread. Earlier, you said you don't think those who choose childlessness are defective, but you hope they don't later have regrets. Now, you declare that Henry has willfully refused to "see the light" as you see it, and is therefore selfish.

There's a recent politics thread titled "what's wrong with america (7 words or less)". My submission was "Everyone thinks his opinions should be mine." Seems apt in this situation. Childfree couples merely want to have their choice be acknowledged as reasonable and worthy of respect. Some parents want to have their choice acknowledged as correct.
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