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Old 11-23-2007, 02:05 PM
Case Closed Case Closed is offline
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Default Re: relationship between SAT scores and intelligence?

I am grunching here a little bit. But there is no real relationship between IQ(if you want to use that as a standard for intelligence) and results on SAT or ACT. SAT is a test that will try and figure out how one will do in their first semester of college. ACT is a test to figure out how much of the high school information a student can remember.

I don't know much about the SAT, but I do know that there are classes that people can take so when they take the ACT they can improve several point. If you put a lot of effort into this class your test results increase greatly. If you're trying to gauge someone's intelligence they should not be able to greatly improve their results from a class once a week for a couple of months. Since I was not forced to take the SAT I would not know if there are classes that are capable of doing that.
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