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Old 11-23-2007, 05:06 AM
nation nation is offline
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Default Re: Zero Rake Poker Business plan


the post you just made was the most intelligent one you made in this entire thread. i kept waiting for the part in this entire thread where you would just say, "hey, it's just a site for the casual player. it's not designed for pros and because of the 1 table rule, will be perfect for casual poker."

instead, you turned this into a crusade about how multitabling is ruining poker, and how the whole thing will be done, and the only solution is to stop multitabling. that's 1. not true and 2. seemed like the intention was to piss off the serious players here.

if you want my opinion on your now clarified idea, then yes, i agree that it's a good idea for guys like you who don't want to play seriously. i don't think it's a viable business plan though just because i don't see you getting any sort of funding without big profits. i don't see you getting those big profits without allowing multitabling.

so yea, your idea is cool, but you need to quit bashing people who multitable because it's a personal agenda and is getting in the way of your decent ideas.
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