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Old 11-22-2007, 08:40 PM
prohornblower prohornblower is offline
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Default Re: looking to get a small house dog

My girlfriend found this dog back in June about to be thrown into a ditch by some punk kids. She was a couple months old and was 2 pounds and covered in fleas. So we got her for "free" but I've spent already close to $2,000 on her since June. $800 for a week of training. $400 for our apartment deposit. $350 for her spay procedure so she didn't bleed all over the apartment. She's been sick a couple times so probably $200 there for vet visits. $60 for a kennel. Plus food, bones, collars, toys, medicine, etc.

But she's been a blast and we adore her. This pic is really old. She's 33 pounds now.

So keep in mind if you spend money to get a dog, you will spend more money on other stuff you can't foresee. But like I said, she's been a blast and I love coming home to her everyday. She loves people and we really enjoy taking her to the dog park on the weekend to mingle with the other doggies.

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