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Old 11-22-2007, 06:02 PM
DawnToDusk DawnToDusk is offline
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Default Re: 10NL - Best PF line with TT OOP against a gross aggro overbetter

Thats kind of what I was thinking. I feel like shoving PF lets him get away from all the hands we have beat, but I'm not sure what other players with more experience do in this case against this player.

At the same time though I hate calling off 20BB to see a flop with what is potentially the best hand and then C/F when higher cards roll off. So with that being said would it really be so bad to shove PF if we knew we could race with him? We whould be shoving roughly $8 more to win an immediate $4 if we thought there was fold equity and also if we raced then that money would definately help pad the pot (that $4 would be considered dead money once we shoved right?).
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