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Old 11-22-2007, 02:00 PM
CharlieDontSurf CharlieDontSurf is offline
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Default Re: \"The Mist\" imo will be awesome

Yeah AD that reasoning behind the ending just seems way to contrived for me. It just happens to happen right at that moment. I thought just overall the writing and directing of that final scene was just bad bad bad. Plus Jane's decision was handled way to quickly and without any type of thought about how to survive which the character has been all about for the last 115 minutes. The rest is entertaining...not great but I doubt one could do much better given the story.

Its never a good sign when people are actually laughing at the last scene in a movie when its supposed to be sad/depressing etc. But I imagine it will be fine for most horror fans and people who haven't read the story etc...given how enjoyable the first 115 minutes was Darabont could have really done a lot better. It strikes me as kind of strange that King likes it so much, but perhaps it is because Darabont answers virtually every loose end that the novella leaves hanging.
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